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Legal Practices Area

Legal Practices Area

Our legal team offers comprehensive legal counseling and provision of legal services through all the relevant economic and legal areas.



Law firm „Jeremic Legal“ offers to their clients all kinds of legal service in communication with relevant financial institutions in Serbia as well as worldwide. Our legal team has extensive knowledge and experience in
analyzing and perfecting regulatory framework of Serbian financial system. Our practice in this area includes:

  •  General banking;
  • Project finance and acqusitions;
  • NPL portfolio restructuring, disposal o acquisition;
  • Factoring;
  • Legal counseling regarding financial regulatory framework of The Republic of
    Serbia and The Republic of Montenegro;
  • Payment services.

Real Estate

Our legal team provides wide range of services in construction and real estate sector. Our lawyers took part in large number of transactions that involved buying and selling land as well as residential and business buildings in Serbia and Montenegro, including financing, securing all the necessary permits and creating all the documents needed. Our practice in this area includes:

  • Financing construction projects;
  • Acquisitions and disposal of land;
  • Buying and selling residential and business objects;
  • Analyzing real estate market in Serbia and Montenegro;
  • Property leasing;
  • Legal handling of construction projects.


Law firm „Jeremic Legal“ offers to their clients all kinds of legal services regarding mergers and acquisitions. Our lawyers organized and participated in large number of domestic and international
acquisitions on Serbian market. We also advise on all matters of corporate law, contracts and commercial law. Our practice in this area includes:

  • Mergers and acquisitions;
  • Private equity investments and investment funds;
  • Legal and economic due diligence;
  • Arbitrations and litigations;
  • Corporate and commercial law;
  • Establishment of business operations in Serbia and Montenegro;
  • Contracts.


One of the main principles of successful business operations is legaly impecable relationship between management and employees, which then results in good working atmosphere. We are engaged in various projects regarding mediation between employers and employees in the processes of acquisitions and mergers, creating commercial regulatory framework and analyzing its compliance with Serbian and Montenegrin legislation, as well as judicial and arbitral representation in front of domestic and international courts.
Our practice in this area includes:

  • Creating employment handbooks, policies and contracts and analyzing its
    compliance with the legislative framework;
  • Mediating in cases of union bargaining;
  • Organizing and educating HR services;
  • Restructuring, redundancy and reduction in workforce.


We have extensive knowledge in counseling and leading clients through stressful experience of saving the business from bankruptcy through restructuring, as well as representing them in front of court in cases of insolvency, reorganization and liquidation. Our practice in this area includes:

  • Legal counseling and participating in the process of making the reorganization
  • Legal representation in case of bankruptcy with special reference to liquidation of
    bankruptcy estate;
  • Court representation in cases of disputed bankruptcy claims.


Our legal team represents some of the best sports organizations and athletes in Serbia, through legal counseling and services, registration of sports entities and conducting legal proceedings in front of Ministry of Sports. Our
practice in this area includes:

  • Interpreting the existing statute books of national associations and sports
  • Interpreting and drafting of professional and amateur contracts;
  • Legal representation in front of arbitrary courts;
  • Legal counseling and guiding during the conclusion of the sponsorship deals.


Our team has great experience in representing the clients in criminal cases, especially in ones with the elements of organized and corporate crime. Our lawyers have represented large number of clients in front of all courts
in Serbia and Montenegro with great success.



On the Serbian and Montenegrin business market, which is prone to continuous change, clients need necessary legal and business counseling in order to harmonize their business with the existing legislative framework. We offer services that include risk management, securing complete business and market compliance with the legislative framework and communication with competent state authorities and institutions in order to solve
eventual issues that may arise in this delicate area.